Atelier de chant portugais
EN Join the singer Stephany Ortega on a musical voyage around the world of popular Portuguese songs. This workshop is aimed at all who are curious and eager to set their vocal cords vibrating and/or to supplement their repertoire.
You don’t need any knowledge of Portuguese. The workshop will be followed by a brunch (included in the ticket price) in the bar of the Ariston, centred around Portuguese specialities.
Date: Saturday 14 October, from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.
Reservation :
PT Na companhia da cantora Stephany Ortega, participe numa viagem musical através das canções populares portuguesas. Este workshop destina-se a todos os curiosos e desejosos de fazer vibrar as suas cordas vocais e/ou completar o seu repertório. O workshop será seguido de um brunch (incluído no preço do bilhete) no bar Ariston com especialidades portuguesas.
Data: Sábado 14 de outubro, das 10h00 às 12h00.
Upcoming performances open to the public
- Duration 2h
- Public Dès 10 ans
- Language pas de connaissances requises
- Place Ariston
- Full price 5 €